Registration Form

Registration form

Firstly, we would like to thank you for showing interest in attending our virtual recruitment event. We are very excited about this event, we hope you are too.

We are collecting information about people attending our virtual recruitment fairs, so we know who is attending the events and accessing our support. This will help us identify the current and future needs of people at our events, as well as the possible barriers they face.  It will also enable us to make changes to make our events more accessible to more people.

On a wider scale, this information will also help us identify what support people need to apply for jobs and what barriers they face.  This will help inform our work around making the job application process more accessible to more people.

Your information will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Statement and all diversity monitoring questions are optional.  We appreciate how important your privacy is and recognise that we are being trusted with protecting it. You have a right to know how we will use and store your personal data in line with the data protection rights that are available to you.

In general, access to your personal data will be restricted to those who have a need to access it to carry out their duties within Touchstone. We will share the information (including contact details) that you supply through the recruitment process with relevant people in the NHS Mental Health Trusts in West Yorkshire.  These trusts are Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.  Further information can be found in our Privacy Statement.

Basic details

Opt-in to apply for a healthcare support worker role and have an interview at the event - opt-ins are now closed

Due to high demand, we have closed new opt-ins for pre-interview screening and selection until further notice.

You can still register to attend the online job fair to find out about roles and careers in mental health. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Diversity Monitoring

Gender identity

Sexual orientation

Ethnic background

You can tick as many options as apply.  The last question in this section gives you space to type your identity if you answer 'Prefer to self-describe' to any question from 10-14.

Disabilities, impairments, and long term health conditions

Religion and faith belief





To participate in this event, you must agree to the privacy statement.